Volume X (2002) fascicola 1
Table of contents:
- C. Avramescu
Existence problems for $\omega-$closed orbits
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- C. Bogdan
Visual Representation of Formal Software Specification
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- V. Bonanzinga and G. Restuccia
Syzygietic properties of a module and torsion freeness
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- M. Crasmareanu
Lagrange spaces with indicatrices as constant mean curvature surfaces or minimal
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- T. Donchev
Euler approximation of nonconvex discontinuous differential inclusions
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- T. Glavosits and A. Szaz
Pointwise and global sums and negatives of binary relations
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- M. Kitayama and M. Azuma
On Gradient Vector Fields in Finsler Spaces
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- G. Molica and G. Restuccia
Torsion free exterior powers of a module and their resolutions
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- E. Popescu and M. Stefanescu
A QR -factorization method for least-squares problems of linear inequalities with
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- D. Savin
On some Diophantine equations (I)
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- M. Tarnauceanu
Actions of groups on lattices
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- C. Volf
Extensions having reduced subextensions
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- Instructiuni / Instructions
Instructiuni pentru autori / Instructions for authors
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